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Software Engineering

Delve 7: Let's Build a Modern ML Microservice Application - Part 2, The Data Layer


"Data is not just the new oil, it's also the new soil." -David McCandless

ML Microservices, the Second

Hello data delvers! In part one of this series we left off creating a basic application that allowed us to search for a work by title in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection. We were able set up a basic project structure as well as the tooling we would need to get the project off the ground. In this second part, I'd like to focus on how we can reorganize our code to make it a bit easier to manage as the complexity of our application scales. However, to begin I'd like to take a slight detour and discussing debugging.

Delve 6: Let's Build a Modern ML Microservice Application - Part 1


"The beginning is the most important part of the work." -Plato

A New Year, A New Start

Hello data delvers! Happy New Year! I hope you all have been well! It's been some time since our last delve (sorry!) but I want to kick off 2025 with a new series of delves I've been wanting to do for some time, building out an ML application using modern microservices principles.

In this multi-part series we'll focus on the tools, techniques, and strategies I use to bring ML applications to life in a maintainable, scalable, and extendable way. If that sounds of interest to you, put on your delving gear and join me as we go deep into the depths of the labyrinth!

Delve 5: The Quest for a Full Screen Raspberry Pi Application


"All life is problem solving." -Karl Popper

Full Screen Applications on the Raspberry Pi, Why so Hard?

Hello data delvers! Apologies for the lack of updates, life has been busy! For today I have a quick delve on a frustrating problem I had to solve, longer delves are on the way!

Like I'm sure many of you, I greatly enjoy doing side projects on the Raspberry Pi mini computer. If you've read my previous delve, you'll know there are lots of fun utilities you can run on a linux machine. One such application I like to use my Raspberry Pi for is to stream music from web services such as Spotify to my television and then use an audio visualizer like those covered in my previous delve to provide a visual.

Delve 3: Fun Linux Utilities


"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing" -Dale Carnegie

*nix the Workhorse of MLOps

Welcome to 2024 data delvers! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season! As we enter into the new year I'd like wanted to take some time to talk about things that make my day to day as a developer fun! As I hope to get into in future delves, for many reasons I prefer a nix (Unix or Linux) based environment for doing development. Many people use MacOS as their nix environment of choice, however my preferred method of achieving this in recent years has been the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It is super easy to set up on any modern windows machine, integrates very nicely with my IDE of choice, Visual Studio Code, and avoids many of the dangers associated with partitioning your hard drive to dual-boot your machine with multiple operating systems. As a bonus, when working with cloud providers you are almost always deploying your model on a Linux server, so mirroring that same environment on your dev machine makes everything that much smoother.